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The Graduation Ceremony and Degree Awarding Ceremony for the Class of 2024 in the School of Foreign Languages and Cultural Communication of Shanghai Polytechnic University was held
发布日期:2024-07-01 22:13:38   发布人:

The Graduation Ceremony and Degree Awarding Ceremony for the Class of  2024 in the School of Foreign Languages and Cultural Communication of  Shanghai Polytechnic University was held

   On the afternoon of June 21st, the Graduation Ceremony and Degree  Awarding Ceremony for the Class of 2024 in the School of Foreign  Languages and Cultural Communication was held in the Student Activity Center. The ceremony was attended by the leaders of the school, representatives of teachers from  various majors, parent representatives, all counselors, and the  graduates of the Class of 2024.



The First Chapter: Time Flies

     The commemorative video first reviewed the rich and colorful university life  of the graduates over the past four years, and also sent sincere wishes  from teachers, fellow students, and younger students.

    After the lively opening dance, the ceremony officially began.



    Dean Zheng Peiyun, on  behalf of all faculty and students of the school, first extended warm  congratulations to all the graduates of the Class of 2024 who have  successfully completed their studies. She also expressed heartfelt  gratitude to the leaders, full-time teachers, and counselors who have  worked tirelessly to foster the healthy growth and development of the  students over the years. Following that, Dean Zheng offered three pieces  of encouragement: Firstly, to cultivate the quality of refining  oneself to perfection; secondly, to embrace the spirit of embracing  diversity and inclusiveness; and thirdly, to possess the courage of  innovation and pioneering spirit.

    Lastly, Dean Zheng expressed her hope that as the new generation, under the current global landscape, the graduates will keep in mind  their national mission, hold fast to their ideals and beliefs, continue  to advance on the path of national rejuvenation, and create their own  futures.


    On behalf of the outstanding graduates, Zhang Yan reviewed her vibrant  and youthful campus life, expressing that as young scholars in the new  era, they should remain true to their original aspirations, keep their  missions firmly in mind, cultivate a professional spirit, elevate their  ideological awareness, and fulfill the promise of the times in the name  of youth.


    The drama, Memory Archives, led all the guests on a journey through a series of  scenes filled with innocence, determination, perseverance, and  reluctance to part, revisiting the unique youth memories belonging  solely to the graduates of the Class of 2024.

    Even though time passes swiftly like a fleeting moment, that initial  touch of emotion still lingers warmly in our hearts, encouraging us to  let go of hesitation and bravely embrace the future.


The Second chapter: Aspire for Higher Goals

    The Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Foreign  Languages and Cultural Communication, Mr. Gu Xiankai, announced the  decision of the School of Foreign Languages and Cultural Communication  of Shanghai  Polytechnic University to commend the outstanding  graduates of the Class of 2024.


    The Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Foreign Languages  and Cultural Communication, Mr. Gu Xiankai, and the Dean of the School,  Miss Zheng Peiyun, presented honorary certificates to the  representatives of outstanding graduates.


The third chapter: Pursuing Dreams and Moving Forward

    The degree awarding ceremony officially commenced, with various  teachers taking the stage together to present the academic gowns and  certificates to the graduates. Teachers turned  the tassels to the left side, symbolizing the students' maturity like  ripe ears of wheat.




    The graduate representatives also presented the teachers with carefully prepared bouquets to express their sincere gratitude. The continuous  guidance and kindness of the teachers will always be remembered in their  hearts. The four years of attentive instruction, support, and  encouragement during times of confusion will transform into shining  stars, accompanying the graduates as they firmly move forward.



     The poem recitation The Warm Four Seasons of Jinhai Road brought by the cooperation of teachers and students wove the past moments into a grand dream, with disappointment and tears, achievements and flowers.

     Now, the gate to the future has already opened, and there may be confusion and unknowns, as well as joy and gains. I hope that all graduates can face any challenges bravely and move forward unhesitatingly on their future paths, no matter what obstacles they encounter.


    The farewell bell is about to toll. At the end of the ceremony, everyone sang Hello Tomorrow together, perhaps we still reluctant to leave the past behind, but still determined to greet the future with enthusiasm.
    Graduation marks the beginning of a new journey for us. In the future, may we all strive towards our aspirations, and meet again at the top!
